Wednesday, 16 February 2011

The Look: School Girl Perfect

Part 2: Hair and Make Up
Ah, this is the part that can be a problem, due to regulations, and forces you go against to get into school, like walking in wind, rain, heat, or cold air!
Me and my best friend have this little 'trick' in that we restyle our hair and redo our makeup instead of turning up for morning registration, and this works so well for keeping your look in place all day, although we are NOT promoting skipping registration; that's bad!

Step 1.
Hairstyles are so hard to discover, when you are looking for one that will work with your hair! You may choose to straighten or curl your hair, but this is time consuming, and to be honest, fake. Embrace your natural hair! If you have time, give your hair a quick wash, and either ruffle hair dry, or leave to air dry and style while wet. Otherwise, give your hair a quick spray over with leave-in shampoo. If you have long hair, go for loose braids or plaits, because they stay in all day, but still have the loose and relaxed look. For shorter hair, you can just accessorize your hair with pretty clips and hairbands, which are so good in availability at the moment! Whatever you choose to do with your hair, give it a finish with Elnett Satin Flexible Hold Spray! It's a wonderful hairspray!

Step 2.
In most schools, nail varnish is not permitted. However, you can get away with wearing subtle shades, topped with some clear layer polish. For instance, Models Own, sell a beautiful array of colours that can be worn for school, and my favourites are Pastel Pink, Buff Pink, Peach Sherbet, and Pearly Queen.

Nail varnish should be reapplied every night before school, so that it is neat and not chipped, but is definitely dried before you have to leave for school

Step 3.
Makeup is hard to apply for school so as you can keep it subtle enough, but it can be done, using very small amounts of everything! On school days, I use a light foundation; C1 Face and Body Foundation by MAC. It's not that noticeable, providing you have properly applied moisturiser first. Eyeshadow is great in school, providing you can find a shade close to your own skin tone. I personally use Shadowbase eyeshadow primer by Front Cover, with a very small amount of Velvet Eyeshadow in Fawn Over Me: Cafe Au Lait, by Benefit. The best type of makeup to use on your lips is not a lipstick at all, but a very plain lip balm. I have two particular favourites, which are Petit Fours Glace Bon Bon by TokyoMilk, and Sweet Lemon Lip Butter by Body Shop.


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